Monday, January 31, 2011

新年快乐! :-D

我又胖了 T__T 小肚腩跑出来了

好久没回来了 部落格的new post button 按了又关
很多话想说 很多的情感想要抒发出来 心里的激动想喊出来 但是最后我还是保持沉默
抱歉 我也不想把这里弄得那么冷清 那么的低落

感谢一直以来支持我爱我的朋友们 我很好 谢谢你们的关心
终于 我回到了自己的家乡 一个星期后我就要收拾包袱回到KL继续我的学习生涯
一踏入家的第一步 我闻到了家的味道 这里依旧没有变 唯一变的就只是时间的流逝

新年要到了 不要把这里搞得那么低落伤感
首先 祝大家新年快乐 万事如意 心想事成 孝顺父母
学业进步 步步高升 青春美丽 帅气逼人 (说了那么多的祝福,满意了吧? xD)
最最最重要的 就是一定要身体健康 因为健康就是财富 大家一定要好好照顾自己哦

今年 我有好多好多的愿望 贪心的我
最希望的就是爸爸妈妈身体健康 工作顺利
还有我爱的男人 工作顺利 身体健康 最重要的是 不要忘了还有我在等你回来
然后就是我的成绩啊啊啊啊啊啊 我一定要得到比之前更好的成绩

笑一个 ;-)

Monday, January 17, 2011









还是 寂寞寂寞就好 :-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

APT Bridal's Make Up Show.

Spot me? :-P
Wulala, i'm the special one, and so obivously,
only me is the white with red wedding down. :-P

My make-up artist, Yi Fen from APT

A message for my make up artist, u do your best! :-D Keep it up, i believe u can do better and be a professional make up artist at future. All the best for u and God bless u all the times! Believe yourself, your dream will achieve in one day! :-)

I'm getting fatter and fatter! :(
I don't want gain fats and weight anymore!

I'm the only one with red flowers in wedding dress, OMG it's my first time put lips colour in RED colour! Okay,i love to try new thing! Look sexayyy and hawtt. :-O agree? bleuk.

Morning class again tomorrow. :( sighh.

Gud night my precious readers.

Monday, January 10, 2011

I hate account -.-

Hello my precious readers, do you have a nice day today?
Today is the first day for my college reopen! SUPER EXCITED!

Today's look.

Having english class early in the morning. Finish class at 10.30am then directly have the next class for Principal Account from 10.30 until 12.30. Lunch time only for half hour. FML -.- 1pm continue Principal Account class again.

errgh ACCOUNT i'm still hate you no matter how!! I'm blur when inside class. It was like, my brain is totally empty and alot of question marks surrounds me. Thanks for KY teaching and explaining to me with full of patient. :-)

Specially thanks to my lougong jun for teaching me. He teached me everything that he knows. Thanks you my love. I love you forever.

Okay, i think that's all. Homework waiting me, chiao! ;-D

Take care and have a nice day ya!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


今天心血来潮就看了自己以前中学时的相片 天啊 现在看回才觉得以前自己好lala 以前十三十四岁拍的照片看起来好纯情 还会装可爱

现在想装可爱都不行了 现在装可爱自己看了都会觉得恶心

如果没记错 应该是 14或 15岁的自拍照

当时比 peace 还真可爱。现在比 peace 会被人说别装可爱。-.-

以前脸好圆好圆 证明我减肥成功了 哈哈



过去真的不堪回首 :-P 还是喜欢现在的自己 呵呵


Friday, January 7, 2011

New Hair Extension.

Said hi to my new hair extension! :-D

I use clip piece extension. in chinese also known as 发片. For me, this is the currently best hair extension way in market compare to hand tied extensions or sewn-in extension At least i can wash my hair easily and won't be suffer by the extension that tied die in my hair.

today i get my sem 3 times-table. oh fuck,i hate it damn much. it was like damn pack and full of classed, FML i don't even have one day can go back home earlier to have nap except if I escape class. and i was like WTF? how come our class have 31 students? The arrangement is suck till max. :( I have a bad feeling for my coming sem 3. God Bless Me,amen. Oh yeah,i hate account! -.-

*photo credited to Willem*

No matter how many times i look at it, i still hate it! WTF
Good luck to me!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello people! ♥

*picture blur, but i love my smile.sowie*

Arghh,hubby said i fat jor. :( Today Joey also said i got small tummy jor.
Gam fei mission ON! oops hubby going to pinch me for not to do it.

Hello my readers, i'm back! Clap clap for my new blog look!! :D Oops no,should be, FINALLY I'M DONE WITH MY BLOG EDIT MISSION! -.-'''

First, i would like to wish all of my precious friends and family, HAPPY 2011 YEAR! okay okay, i know it's kinda late for this. But still, its my sincere wish for all of you who reading my blog now. May your wishes come true and all the best in new year! Oh yeah, the most important is, please keep follow my blog. teehee. I know i'm a failure blogger b'coz i'm so lazy to update. xD promise i will be improve myself in this year. xoxo

Nothing special about me recently. No christmas celebration and count-down celebration. :( Hubby is busy at work,but he promised he will celebrate with me next time. Bou fan shou! :-D oh yeah, at least i'm happy abit b'coz he will celebrate with me soon. blerk :-P

Today went to college, awwh i'm so f*cking miss my college, coursemates and classmates. Since i got 1 month Sem-Break. I met some new friends, worked for KLIMS fair promoters, eat drink play sleep is what I had did in this sem break.

I dye my hair to dark brown colour. teehee. alot of friends said its look better and nicer. okay in conclusion, i don't really suit to blonde hair, even i got a guai mui look, but still dark brown hair is nicer and look elegant at me. LMAO i'm praising myself. lalala.

I love my tee, purchased from SUB!

T-shirt is my favourite outfit for college day!

My mp3 non stop playing for this few songs.

A Lin 黄丽玲 - 给我一个理由忘记

A Lin 黄丽玲 - 寂寞不痛

倪安东 - 散场的拥抱

倪安东 - Sorry That I Loved You