Thursday, April 28, 2011

Berjaya 14th Floor, Sampling Restaurant Review.

Maw maw help me take this pic. Thank you! :)

Having my very first practical class ACRO last few days, i look so freaking tired because i just slept for 1 and half hour and wake up. my eyes is sooooooo heavy and i think if i don't find something to do, for sure i will close my eyes and take a standing nap. LOL

And, i have no idea why i put a smokey eye make up on that day. Randomly wake up from bed and feel like try this make up. Not really suit for a waitress who work at a fine dining restautant. But its okay, nvm! I had been discover another new make up for myself! Next time will try to make the eye shadow lighter. :)

College life is tiring, but i enjoy and love to spend time with my friends. :)

Being a waitress that work at a Fine Dining Restaurant, make sure your hair is tie up with a bun or look tidy, i'm not sure others restaurant but this is what our lecturer request us to do. :) 

Berjaya Sampling Fine Dining Restaurant is ready to give a good service with quality foods to every customers! Eventhough we are still in process of practical, but we will still show the best service and caring to every single customers, as what we said, this is the spirit of hospitality! :-D

So, feel free to come for your lunch at Berjaya 14th floor Sampling Restaurant with us! Our class is only at every Tuesday, but it takes turn because our class have separate to two groups, so either i will be at restaurant or inside kitchen. Our operation time is from 12.00pm to 2.00pm. Make sure you have make your reservation before you came! 

And last few days,  

When i'm too lame until i felt my hair grow mushroom, i grab all my make up stuff and start pour out my every make up stuff. Start refer ViVi Magazine March Issue 2011, i know its quite old but just find something to do. Refer to the make up tutorial shared by ViVi Magazine, i tried both different type of make up. Can you see the difference? Left eye is bigger, and the right eye is longer and sexier. XD

Enjoy my life now, currently. :) I have a bunch of friends, we always stick with each other, go college together, eat together, have fun together, discuss assignment together, share and talk together. 

I told myself, the old nelly is die and non exist anymore, and now, the new nelly is reborn! 
No more 1 point ++ in my cgpa result, this sem, i will fight for the best! 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

依 然 亲 爱 的

孤单的夜晚 一个人待在自己的房间里 面对四面墙 喝着啤酒 是什么滋味

人说 醉了 什么都能遗忘 什么烦恼都能丢掉

为什么我就不能 为什么越喝越难过 我不知道自己喝了多少罐 我只想把自己灌醉

在打着这篇文章的时候 我带着充满孤单的酒味 我醉了吗 为什么如此的清晰

我讨厌黑夜的来临  我只觉得我就快寂寞和孤单吞噬了

我快不行了 我知道自己快不行了 我撑不下去了

我没有那么坚强 没有那么勇敢 没有那么的乐观

我好不喜欢一个人待在房间里 我不喜欢一个人

我会胡思乱想 我会想死 我会变得很脆弱

寂寞先生 孤单小姐 我知道你们是一对很犯贱的组合 可是 你们能够远离我的世界吗

为什么你们就不愿意放过我 为什么你就那么喜欢缠着我不放

人好犯贱 说离开 自己却还在原地踏步

人好犯贱 说忘记 却把该忘记的牢牢记着

人好犯贱 说好了 从此以后你的快乐再也与我无关  但我却再也无法快乐起来

人好犯贱 装潇洒 却在转身之后两行眼泪开始滴下

我们从相遇 变朋友 晋升恋人未满的角色 再变成情侣

从一开始的陌生 变成热恋 感情升华到了一个程度 我们的热恋期过了

我们在彼此的世界 渐渐地 变成了一种习惯 一种依赖


你知道 我累了吗  我是人 我有感觉 我有情感

我再怎么坚强 再怎么容忍 再怎么妥协 再怎么谅解

我也会有累的一天  我也会有选择放弃的一天

我会离开 会放弃 是因为我看穿自己在你心里的地位到底有多重要

我走不进你的世界 我走不进你的生活圈子

我走不进你的心里 我还在你的心门外 等你为我开门

我的宽容和体谅 请不要当成是理所当然

我的默默等待 并不表示我非你不可 只是因为我爱你

我选择一而再再而三的为你的行为找理由 找借口 找说法

给自己安慰 给自己一个理由 让我能够继续坚持下去

我一开始就知道 是个自欺欺人的方式 但是我选择继续相信你

因为是你 所以我愿意

我自认问心无愧 我认真爱过  我为你付出我的所有 我努力给你最大的幸福

我把心交给你掌管 我让你住进我心里那个占最大的位置

我的世界都是绕着你而转 我的日记记载的 全都是关于你的点点滴滴

然而我很清楚 在你的世界里 我只是一颗小宇宙

我知道 没有我 你可以过得很好 很快的 我就只是你生命的一个过客

一个行尸走肉的躯壳 一个没有生气的木偶

我想   就这样消失在这个世界


Friday, April 22, 2011

My moral class first topic - Abortion.

Hello, im super tired today. The first week of my forth semester. I'm not good, not fine recently. :(
I will tell you in a honest way , i'm facing my PTPTN study loan, because of my sucks result at last 2 sems, and last sem finally i improved, but still i didnt reach their requested minimum CGPA. End up i still left a huge number of outstanding course fees. I'm kinda stress and down recently because of these, there is no way to solve this problem except if sky drop $$$ to me. :(

Subject for this semester :

- Advanced Cuisine & Restaurant Operations (ACRO)
- Principles of Management 
- Principles of Marketing
- Personal Development Skills III (PDS)
- Moral Studies

Okay back to topic today, just as simple, having moral class at 9am, at first i thought this will going to be a boring and dry subject, because i thought it will be repeat the same lesson as what we study at high school, need to memorize the definition and bla bla. But now i know i'm totally wrong, the class is out of my expectation! I love and enjoy myself in the class because we will be discuss about community issues, relationship between your partner, family, how do we think about homosexual and so on. And there will be have a few theory classes. 

Guess what, today's topic is about ABORTION! OMG so geng, the very first class already start from this kind of topic, so can you predict that the topic that will going to discover at the further class. sounds excitied! :D

When we have our moral class, try to imagine the scene 

Mr Warren asked the whole class : " Anyone know the pregnancy test commonly cost how much? " 

The whole class is silent, and i can see the crow passing by my head *ak ak ak*

and in sudden idk why i answered : " 20 ringgit sumthing lah. lol " 

Then the whole class was responding  : " Oh x100000000, " 

They oh for so long time and sound so suspect seems like i ever buy. 

I continue respond since they still giving me those sinister smile! : " 
hye common sense weih! Watsons or guardians also got sell lah. " 

Then finally Mr Warren said something, the whole class finally back to normal. 

End scene, lame i know, thank you for imagine! :P

the class continue, after a simple briefing and introduction of Abortion. Mr Warren asked all of us : " So, what do u guys think about abortion ? Our country is not allowed woman to go for abortion except if only the health of mother is in jeopardy.  " 

So, what do you think? Once Mr Warren sound out this question, i already have a very confirmed answer is a big NO. I heard some of my classmates said yes because they mentioned about the rape cases or the bf is not responsible and run away from his responsibilities bla bla, for me i still will said no. No matter what mistakes that the litigant did, the baby is innocent. Baby is a gift from God, baby is a human being, they are human being, they have feeling. I know it sound so sarcastic if the one who reading here is ever met rape cases or dump by partner, and i said sorry if i hurt your feeling or what, but i never meant to be sarcasm. Don't abort your own baby, if you really think that you can't affort to have baby, why don't you just give birth and try to looking for others family, let them adopt your child. It's better than you abort them? For me, ABORTION is not fair at all, because baby have no chance to sound out and indirect killed by you. Yes, for me abortion is indirectly killing a weak and tiny little life without giving them a chance to live. 

I feel so sad and heartache when i saw the aborted fetus pictures that shared by our lecturer. I felt sick and disgusted to watch that. I remember there is one picture giving me a very very deep impression, i guess the baby is almost 7 or 8 months,  the baby is die. The way they using for abortion is Salt Poisoning. The whole body is in white colour because the baby is been poisoned. :( I was like wtf? I mean if you really want to abort, why don't you abort before it's too late? Your baby is going to born soon and now you just decide don't want him/her? WTF! 

If you feel like want to take a look at abortion fetus pictures, just look for Mr Google! 

Warm reminder : make sure you don't view it when you just finish your dinner or before you have your dinner. 

There is no right or wrong as what our lecturer mentioned, because everyone have their own opinions and human right to sound their voice.

So what do you think about ABORTION? Do you think M'sia should be legal to abortion? 

Yes or No?

P/S : A random pictures from me, i wanna said thanks to my lovely and great mother because she born me. If everyone said yes to Abortion, then my mum won't be decide to give birth to me even that time she is an advanced age parturient woman. 

Thank you mum. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

对于 『性教育是这么教吗?』的回应

有时候 我觉得人就是爱无理取闹 爱鸡蛋里挑骨头 

Click this pic for see clearly about the video description, or just go to here to have a look.

蓝色的字体是Mr Issac 列出的罪行 ,而红色是我发表的个人观点 :

1. 讲师的马来腔华语,例子:"贺"法、"贺"情、"贺"理

1. 难道你不知道,这是我们马来西亚华人的腔调吗?这个算是什么罪行?难道每个讲师都有“马来腔”,你就认为是个罪行?你认为你的华语很流利,说得一点“马来腔” 也没有,所以你就看别人的“马来腔”华语不顺眼?只要他说的,其他人明白,这有什么问题?

2. 误导孩童们且教导他们说污言秽语,在小学讲座上引用"狗男女,奸夫淫妇"等不雅字眼。

2. 难道你真的认为,现在的小孩还有像我们以前那么的单纯,那么的无知吗?其实他会这样说,他的出发点也只是希望学生们了解如果婚前发生性行为,或在婚后外遇,就会被人叫 “狗男女,奸夫淫妇”。虽然用词不当,但是至少他说的,学生们明白也了解。请你们注意当时当uncle jeff讲完第一次的“狗男女,奸夫淫妇”的时候,学生们脸上的表情是怎样的。他们明白,他们笑了,因为他们懂得这些不雅字眼的意思。

这是我在facebook看到一位朋友发表的言论,我很认同 :无论你的讲座里的话语讲的多么的好,还是内容很精彩。请问,小学生会明白吗?明白是另外一回事 , 有用? 还真的比不上那7个字

Okay,就算你认为uncle jeff这样教导小孩子是不对,但是他们也可以从不同的传媒方式认识而了解这些字眼。偶像剧让你哭的要生要死就没有吗?香港连续剧追到阿妈都不认得难道就没有吗?难道你追看那些台湾综艺主持节目就没有吗?小s的毒舌就是最好的例子,看过她节目的一定见识过。

3. 孩童对于不了解性行为所需负的责任于后果,误导小学生性教育课题,希望各位把这个伪君子揪出来,以免继续荼毒小学生思想!

3. 男人和男人之间,女人和女人之间,就是我们所谓的同性恋在我国是不被接纳的。我们身边也有这样的朋友,但是并不表示我们会歧视他们,我们还是把他们当做真心对待的朋友。将心比心,有哪个父母能够接受自己的孩子发生同性恋?

4. 亲爱的父母,如果你现在拥有一个9岁的女儿,被一个14岁的男生性侵犯了。你能够接受吗?就连报纸也曾经登过各式各样年轻的未婚妈妈。难道你希望你的女儿是下一个?还是你希望你的儿子是那个被人唾骂的那位?值得我们深思.. 

5. 现在是个开放的社会,很多人都发生过婚前性行为。我是一个open minded的人,但是大家也了解婚前性行为的后果是什么。未婚怀孕,匆匆忙忙,草草了事的结婚,孩子生下后,开始有争执,最后离婚,这是大多数的。除非你已经准备好了迎接新的生命,对彼此有很了解,感情和事业也稳定了,而这些也只是少数。而现在,又有多少是属于少数的那群?


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You always on my mind. :)

This is a random post, will be long and sensibility. 

* A very long time ago pic  seems like 2 or 3 years ago. :) *

Just nw evening, i received her husband msg, telling me she have give birth! I am so happy, and I'm Thank God that both of them, mummy and baby are safe and healthy. God, thank you for blessing them. :)

In a sudden received her latest news, i miss her. Every memories with her is keep rolling in my mind. I remember everything about us, we have fun together, we crazy together, we laugh tgt, we used to satire each other in a funny way, not serious but in a joking way, we sharing and we keep each other secrets, we going for our very first photoshooting with my mum's photographer friends, we club together, . 

I know her when both of us are JUST only 4 years old. So coincidence and wonderful, both of us are born at May. Guess what? She's just born earlier than me 6 days. :-)  How glad and grateful am i can met a bestie such like you. Eventhough we are not always hang out with each other, but you always in my mind. 

One more thing, she love to call my nick! One is, 雷公的雷,泥土的泥. i guess u guys dont understand why she calling me like that, because its almost same pronounciation with my chinese name. Another one is, Niao Li. why? Because my english is Nelly, and idk why alot of church friends like to call me Niao Li. Niao = bird in chinese, am i look like a bird? Lmao

Okay let's show you how siao is she, lol :  ( The pictures after photo shooting)

* Okay at first, a swee smile. :) *

 *The next, she try to prove that she's cute
and.. err.. sexy? LOL *

 * Finally there's the siao-est her came out..
Wondering what kind of expression is this? lol *

The most memorable day is, we went for Kundasang 3 days 2 nights trip with your parents. I feel happy and i still remember i having a short and curly hair like a mushroom that time! And one more, still remember there is one day, i went to your house for overnight. In the midnight both of us hungry and we get some supper at refrigerator. We found some siu mai and we steam it, and the next day been scold by your mum. One more time, there's a girl insulting me but then i never offended her, i guess u still remember her, SUSHI, you help me spam her blog chatbox until she close her blog, remember? There's alot of fun we have, but i can't list out because we have too much secret. :-P

Yes, we are only 19, and she's just became mummy! Her baby boy just born to the world. I know there's alot of ppl at outside keep backstabbed her, despise at her, critical about her because when she married she is pregnant-ing. I don't understand why people was like so surprised about this? Nowadays should be very common what.  Everyone will do wrong, no one is born to be virtue. Yes i admit that I'm surprised too when i got the news she marry soon, i was like WTF so rush? Then slowly i guess i know what happen, but even like that, i still choose to be silent and don't comment anything. I will support her, she need support, she need more caring and love at that moments. Don't tell me you never did anything wrong before, i will chop my head if u said loudly NO.  I believe God will have his arrangement on her and her future, i believe this. :) Sometimes, this might is her turning point in her life that God want her to learn? 

Rumors would stop spread by a wise person, in chinese is 谣言止于智者. 

I'm not trying to said she's totally not wrong at all, she's wrong, and that's why she have to responsible at what she had did and together work hard with her husband. I was so regretful that i am not able to join her wedding because i having practical exam at here. :(  I was like keep missing her and imagine how's the wedding running at there and facing my laptop here. The feeling is sucks, fml. 

Last time when we have a chat at msn, you told me that your baby is a cutie boy, i was like arrghh :( I want baby girl because we can dress up pretty pretty and like a little princess for your daughter. *seems like mine one LOL* You know lah, girls have a lot and different types of pretty outfit, but too bad is a he. :( Anyway, i still will sayang him. Vera children is going to call me Kai Ma, in chinese*evil laugh*! 

My bestie Vera, I hope you will always be happy! Remember, now become mummy cannot be playful like last time. I will always be here for you eventhough i'm far away from you now. But i know there are alot of ppl love you, God love you, your parents love you, Jun Lin love you, i love you, the friends who surrounds you and treat you with true heart love you. Please remember do take care yourself always, because you still have to take care of your little warm family.

The most important is, you must love God and love your parents more and more. They have put alot of efforts and expectation on you, you are their only daughter, they only have you this precious daughter at their life, the biggest gift from God. 

There's one thing i never told you before, i love to watch you when you're playing piano. I remember very long time ago, you having your piano presentation at a hall, but i forget where is it. That time i was only like 5, 6 or 7 like that, when i saw you at stage, i was like so excited and proud of you! That time i keep wave my hand at you, but you are playing piano so thats why you can't respond me but you saw it. :) 

My little girl bestie, remember, you always on my mind

Sunday, April 10, 2011

#vlog1 : Said hi to me! :D

Hello ppl, this is my very first vlog. ;-) 

Yesh! Finally i'm success to create my very own "handmade" and "homemade" vlog. LMAO 
Sorry for my pronounciations sucks, hope you guys enjoy it! 

Drop your comments, question or any blog request or any tutorial that u guys think that i can be create and share for u guys. see ya! 

P/S : Make sure you turn your speaker louder because i have a tiny voice since i'm shy. =x

Thursday, April 7, 2011


相信大家最近都有留意到黑人 陈建州和范范 范玮琪的结婚喜讯了哦   
但是从他们身上 我终于明白所谓的 平凡的幸福 真真实实的反映在他们的身上 
原来 幸福可以那么简单 

他们的爱情长跑10年了 今年已经踏入第11年  终于宣告结束了
别说艺人 就连普通人都很难和自己的伴侣长跑10年 
最可贵的是 到现在他们还是如此的相爱 如此的幸福 

在2月17号 黑人在纽泽西NBA球场向范范求婚 求婚成功了
从他们脸上看得到幸福的笑容 那种发自内心的笑 
我看着黑人求婚的过程 我竟然跟着他们一起笑 一起感动 
看到他们相拥在一起的画面 连我这个旁人也被他们的幸福 所感染

你看完了影片之后 感受到了吗
就连那些在旁观看球赛的观众 看到黑人的求婚也激动的要范范答应他
范范感动的落泪 和黑人一起相拥的画面
看到黑人很开心的说 我成功了你会不替他们高兴吗
十年咧 有多少女人愿意为一个男人等待十年 可知道女人的青春是很宝贵的
给黑人的话 你可要用尽你的一生好好爱范范 疼她 照顾她 保护她 :)
不好意思 我其实很感性 看到他们那么幸福 我很感动

终于他们的婚礼将会在5月7日举行  他们也把喜帖派出去了
虽然他们的喜帖看似简单 可是我觉得好特别 好漂亮 好有心思
因为范范的身高 171cm 黑人则是190cm 所以他们把喜帖制作成附有他们的长人特色
没记错是33公分的 还大过一张A4纸

由贾永婕与设计师为她量身打造 华丽复古风的设计 看起来高贵又大方
天啊我可能八辈子都没有那种福气穿上那么贵的婚纱 -.-
不过我不介意 只要跟自己爱的人结婚 就很幸福很满足了♥♥♥






再简单的布景 再普通的婚纱 
也能拍出最灿烂的笑容 最幸福的模样 最唯美的画面
他们只用了两小时就完成了他们的婚纱拍摄  拍摄过程却频频笑场 看了以下的短片你就懂了

范范的新歌 《最重要的决定 》

祝福他们 在上帝的带领以及祝福下 

也祝福大家 可以找到属于自己的黑白配 珍惜身边的人 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hello hello, i'm still alive!

好久没更新了 不好意思 其实我真的没有什么好东西值得分享
想和大家分享我的化妆心得 但感觉自己又不专业 只是有自己的一套 还是算了

想和大家分享最近的生活的点滴 或是最近去过的地方 发生过的事情
但是人都是跟着潮流走 哪个红就看哪个 哪个有名就关注谁
你不红 就不会有人来看你 顶多小猫两三只
所以如果这个时候 你是在这里看着我写这篇文章的话


因为我不是名人 只是个普通人
你却愿意花时间来看我的部落格 细细的阅读我的文章 感恩

因为以前的屋主要搬回家乡了 所以只要搬家了
搬家又花了好多钱哦 TT
来到新环境 小宝贝还没能适应 希望它会乖乖的 不要给我太多麻烦
感谢女房东愿意收留小宝贝 那时候我还真怕她不让小宝贝住进来
毕竟你们都知道嘛 不是每个人都愿意接受宠物的 怕肮脏怕吵之类的
所以还是很thank God 安排了这么好的女房东给我

昨天朋友告诉我成绩出来 害的我紧张到 一直祈祷至少有个2字带头

loading loading....

成绩出炉了 2.32!! 我真的很兴奋 好开心
也许你们会说 cheh 有什么好开心 才2点多 又不是很好
但是我想告诉你们 至少这次我有进步 而且是大进步哦
我告诉自己 不能再让自己重蹈
之前的前两个sem 我才拿到1点多
我不怕告诉你们我之前的烂成绩 是因为我坦承自己的软弱
我没有用心去读 以为抱着得过且过的态度就能过关 结果证明我之前做的都是错的
所以奉劝各位即将升上大学或读college的 大学college毕竟和中学始终不一样
中学还能玩 勉勉强强的成绩还能升班 可是大学不同
只要你的成绩没有达到他们所设立的目标 直接就是给你个failed 没情讲 LOL
除非你爸你妈你家有很多钱能够让你重读又重读 而你也好意思一直待在同一个sem或college

当然 这都一切不是我一个人的功劳
我还要谢谢我的同班同学 他们很有耐心的教我 抽空留在学校 做我的小老师
我的account超烂 他们还慢慢的解释 还是谢谢你们 :)

当然 还有我的老公仔
他总是支持我 鼓励我 相信我
即使前两个sem我都成绩不理想 他都相信我 他相信我可以做到 
谢谢你 我的亲爱的 

最最最辛苦的 就是我的爸爸妈妈
因为上个学期成绩不好 没有了助学金让你们那么辛苦
到处去筹钱 对不起 辛苦你们了 要好好照顾身体 不要累坏身体

昨天 一个人带着小宝贝 送了小宝贝去pet shop grooming之后
独自一个人在leisure mall走走
停留在starbuck 点了一杯Mocha FrappucinoEspresso Tiramisu
享受一个人的下午茶 是享受吗 我不知道
以前 我无法忍受一个人逛街 看电影 吃饭 但是现在我渐渐习惯了
习惯了一个人 习惯了坐在某个角落
也许对着手机傻笑 消磨时间
等待时间流过 感觉自己坐了很久 看了看手表 原来才过了10分钟

化了妆出门 并不是因为我有约 也不是想让别人注意自己
其实我很懒 突然间有那个心情才会想要化妆出门 平时就一副欧巴桑的look. lol
更可以告诉别人 我一个人逛街吃饭 it's okay 我并不一定要有人陪 
就算别人带点异样的眼光看我 哪又怎样 至少我够独立 :)

好啦 终于等到时间到了 可以去接小宝贝了 老天爷竟然给我下起一场大雨来 @#$^*&%
什么嘛 刚才就热到死 就算要下也不会等我回到家才下哦 讨厌咧 wtf
没办法 只要在leisure mall里闲逛 幸好这场雨下不久 很快就停了

*不好意思 相机没拿稳 所以有点模糊 =x *

* 其实是同样款式的衣服 只是我尝试不同的颜色来做比较 *

最欠扁的是 到最后我都没买

但是服务员的态度很好 下次会再回去 :)

好啦说我瘦了pleaseeeee. *别打我* 哈哈!

好啦 就到这吧 :) 谢谢你耐心的读到最后