Monday, May 23, 2011

我的小Boy Boy,再见了. :(

小宝贝 今晚是最后一次你陪在妈咪身边睡觉了 小宝贝 我的乖宝宝 妈咪知道你很乖 真的 在外人看起来 你很顽皮 爱乱小便 怎么教都教不好 关你在笼子你又哭 妈咪好想把你留在身边 可是包租婆aunty觉得你很吵 妈咪用尽了所有方法来教你 甚至还打你 妈咪不曾打过你的 看到你被打 妈咪的心比你还痛 你是妈咪的心肝宝贝 妈咪怎么舍得打你呢

打在儿身痛在娘心 我懂这个道理 小宝贝啊 我们相处的时间快一年了 也许 我们的缘分就那么浅 妈咪希望你去了新的阿姨家 要乖乖听话 知道吗 不要给阿姨那么多麻烦 要做个乖宝宝 你是妈咪的乖宝贝 要让妈咪骄傲 知道吗

宝贝 妈咪知道 或许你会很开心 因为离开了一个每次骂你打你的坏妈咪 妈咪骂你打你 都是希望你会改过 妈咪就不会和你分开 但是事实如此 妈咪知道你尽力了 妈咪知道你很伤心很难过 你一看到妈咪拿起藤条就躲在角落 妈咪看到都不忍心打下去 只能默默的为你祈祷 为你擦掉那些你随便撒的尿 看到你躲在角落 害怕我拿起藤条的模样 我还怎么打得下手

终于分离的时刻还是到来 我好不舍得你 真的 以后就是我一个人了 再也没有你会陪我睡觉 最喜欢霸着我睡觉的位置赖着不肯走再也没有你陪我玩追逐游戏 我再也不能抱着你去公园散步 看着你天真无邪的模样 小宝贝 你知道吗 妈咪最喜欢看着你奔跑的模样 妈咪抱着你去走走 你也会很开心的奔跑 妈咪希望你一直保持着你那独一无二的童真和快乐 就连我在你身边也会被你的童真而感染

宝贝 左边那个 是你的好朋友 要记得它哦 它也会很想念你的

宝贝 你要乖乖 当个听话的小宝贝 妈咪想对你说 对不起 没有把最好的都给你 但是妈咪曾为你付出的 一定不止这些 带着你去剪毛 看着你成长 妈咪会永远记得你 妈咪会祝福你 希望你过得比现在更幸福更快乐

上帝 如果你看到我的祈祷 祝福我的小宝贝 Boy Boy 它真的很乖的 让它有个全新的新生活 新的家庭成员 有耐心 爱它 疼它 愿意陪它的主人妈妈 让它不会再孤独

小宝贝 妈咪爱你 你要幸福 要快乐哦

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


我喜欢 也很享受现在的生活格局 身边有一群可以一起打闹 一起玩耍 一起讨论功课的好朋友
即使我再怎么不完美 不好 缺点一大堆 他们都愿意包容我 接纳以前那个失败颓废的我  我感觉我们之间不只像好朋友 而是亲人 像家人那样 温暖却也紧紧的联系着

做人难 真的 我们不能期待每个在我们身边的朋友都是百分之百的真诚  那种在自己面前戴上面具的朋友 我们自然而然也会在那个人面前带上虚伪的面具 这是人活在世界上最基本的做人常识 我是一个怎样的人 轮不到你们来批评来下定论 我是一个很容易跟人相处打成一片的女生 但是我无厘头个性的背后 我内心的自己 我最真实的自己 你又懂得多少 你又了解多少 我是个很典型的双子座女生 而我还真的是他妈的很双子 

看透这个世界的丑陋和残酷 看到人与人之间的尔虞我诈 有时候我真的不懂 你明明就不喜欢我 明明就在背后说我怎样怎样 但是在我面前可以笑得牙齿都快要掉出来 整个的感觉 你不累吗 我看到都觉得累 但是人都是犯贱 因为人不管再怎么讨厌某人都好 我们都能得心应手的和讨厌的对象相处沟通

有些时候 我可以无所谓 我可以很随便 可以装的不在乎 我并不是不知道你们在我背后说过我什么 讨论过我什么 我只是擅长装傻 我只是很擅长搞笑装白痴 并不是因为我不敢发飙 而是我的容忍极限很宽 我自认不是个脾气很好的人 但是很少人或很少事情可以真正激怒我 看过我真正发飙的朋友就知道我有多可怕 不过应该很没有多少人见识过

以前的我很渴望快点长大 快点成为大人 可是现在我却不想成为大人 像Peter Pan那样 永远都不会长大 多好 你看看 双子座的性格表露无疑了 前几段还很激动 还很理智 现在又回到感性的我 够了咯陈蕊妮 收起你那可怕又可笑的双子座个性

如果我让爱我疼我的人因为我而受伤 想说声抱歉 我为自己设下了一个布满一朵又一朵布满玫瑰刺的篱笆 因为我害怕接近我生命的人会伤害到我 我害怕受伤 我也讨厌受伤时那种无助的软弱 也许我选择自私的方式来保护自己 对不起 我把自己关了起来

Thursday, May 5, 2011

然后小姐就是我 :-P

萧亚轩是潇洒小姐 而我就是 . . .


请支持五月份89期的eRing杂志,有我出现E-Cover Star单元里!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tips of being a succesful blogger

Oh fuck, i'm just almost finish type this blog post and i accidentally delete everything and the post gone. WTFFFFFFFFFFFF 

Been blogged for few years, so can share with you all the tips to gain good impression and popularity for your blog.

1. The Music/Song playing in your blog is too noisy and annoy.

Everyone realised this right? Sometime we feel like wanna take a look at a person blog. Once the page finish load, suddenly pop out some noisy and annoying song from the person blog. Don't you ever think that you put this kind of songs, will shoo away your readers? 

Sometimes when the line is down, and the song is automatic play without finish load, and it was like stuck, play.. play and stuck.. stuck and stuck again. really KNS

Imagine now you have a very down mood, you went for someone blog, and once u open, the music is annoyed u. What you will do? For sure directly click the X to close the page right?

I never meant that you can't apply any songs at your blog, of course u can. But why don't you choose some blue, or soft song to play at your blog, make ppl comfortable to listen. Or else, just don't set the player as auto-playing. Let readers make their choice whether to listen or not.

2. The Insincere Blog Followers

I used to have chatbox applied at my blog last time to convienent my readers to leave comments. But it kinda annoyed that sometimes u will some numbers of bloggers will leave something like this :

Reader A : Hello, follow/link your blog. Mind to follow me back?

You went to the person blog, u saw ur blog link is in the list. 

Idk how do you reply, but for me, i will said sorry and i only follow my friends' blog. 

Trust me, very fast, after that you went back to the same blog, your link gone! Haha! Very funny is it? I call this kind of ppl insincere followers. They follow your blog because they want you follow back their blog. What for? To increase their followers amount so that they can show to others they are popular? 

If people like your blog, like the way you blog, they will automatic follow or link you without asking you to follow back. :)

3. Copy & Paste Blogger 

Some ppl just used to steal ppl point, thoughts or even the whole post to paste at their own blog and take it as their own. I used to call them CP! Chinese ppl shud knw CP can be a rude calling har? :-P

Did you ever think of how hardly is the blogger trying to think, type and make correction at his/her post just to share to everyone of you. Unfortunely  the post that she/ he did so hardly and badly being copy by using Ctrl + C and it became your post. Don't you forgot there is something call copyright huh? The cicle C © 

Be who you are, not what people want you to be. Be yourself and i believe there will be a number of people admire the way you blog and who are. :)

P/S : Little tips for you guys, the design of your blog, the fonts and fonts colour also very important. Don't need to be too fancy as long as it look nice and tidy. It will be interrupt readers' eyesight and make them suffer to read it if the fonts colour is not match with your design. :)

Finally, i redone my sharing for today. Life is getting busy since i have alot of group assignments coming to me. 

Sleep early night catsssss, 
tomorrow going to post about my tea-time session with friends!

Yummyyyyy. One of my favourite - Tiramisu